Total Health Care for Your Child
Our group of lactation consultants has over 40 years of combined experience working with mothers and their babies.
Specialists work directly with families and patients with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety and other conditions.
Our Registered Dietitian has the skills and knowledge to provide practical food and nutritional information.
Schedule an appointment with one of our Pediatric Sports Medicine Physicians or your child’s musculoskeletal injury or sports physical.
We offer immunizations to everyone in order to provide protection to our patients and the general community.

Clinical information and care plans are shared between all providers for children with complex needs to eliminate duplication and consistency of treatment.
Call 816-412-2900 to make an appointment with a provider.
Our phone lines are open at 7:30am Monday through Saturday until the close of business that day.
Additional Services
- Asthma Management Program
- Adolescent Care
- Obesity Management
- Dermatological Expertise
- Foreign Body Removal
- Abscess Drainage
- Simple Splinting
* In-Office Patient Services

We are proud to be the first Affordable Care Act Pediatric Health Home in Missouri. Patient-Centered Medical Homes focus on team-based care, care coordination and management, improved access and quality improvement. Patient-Centered Medical Homes build better relationships between patients and families and their care team. Some benefits of a PCMH are less fragmented care, better outcomes through improved quality, reduced costs, and improved patient and staff experiences. Our medical home is committed to your child’s health. As a member of our Medical Home we will:
- Get to know you and your child and suggest treatments that make sense to your family
- Keep your child’s complete medical history
- Assist with specialists and other resources
- Provide your child with personalized care
- Help you handle your child’s chronic conditions
- Meet your family’s health care needs
- We can often we can see you the same day or the very next day.
Medical home responsibilities for the patient/family will mean that we ask you to contact us first for appropriate medical care. This helps to eliminate costly duplication of services and therapies, therefore, saving you money. Other responsibilities for the family and patient are:
- Let us know when you have been seen by a specialist, emergency room and admitted to the hospital
- Know your child’s health
- Bring your child in for Well Check visits once per year
- Maintain records of vaccinations, specialist appointment information & other important medical information
- Prepare for each visit
- Bring a list of all your child’s current medications, vitamins, etc.
- Before you leave, make sure you understand what the provider is telling you. It is important to have all your questions answered.
To make an appointment with a provider, call 816-412-2900 Monday through Saturday from 7:30am until the close of business that day.